Networking and Events

Digital HealthTech Webinar Series

Connected Health Skillnet, Irish Medtech Association and Tyndall National Institute are delighted to launch a FREE online knowledge-sharing and networking forum aimed at show casing Ireland’s potential as a global hub for Digital HealthTech. #wheredigitalhealththrives

Each month we will explore a new theme, with a few short presentations, a panel discussion and online networking. Our expert speakers will include clinical scientists, KOLs and industry leaders (MNC, SME and Start ups) and leading academics.
  • Event 1: Minimally Invasive Devices
  • Event 2: Orthopaedics
  • Event 3: Remote Patient Monitoring
  • Event 4: Smart Drug Delivery
This lunchtime series will be hosted virtually on Remo - the interactive virtual event platform, to allow accessible cross-sectoral networking with peers across the Irish Digital HealthTech ecosystem,

Please register your place HERE

Event 1: Minimally Invasive Devices - 31/03 @ 12:30 - 13:30

The first event will focus on Minimally Invasive Devices and will include presentations for our expert speakers, followed by a panel discussion/Q&A and networking.

Speakers include:
  • Prof. Dr. Ir. Ronald Dekker - Principal Architect, Philips MEMS & Micro Devices
  • Dr Chirstoph Hennersperger - Co-Founder & CTO, OneProjects
  • Professor Marietta Iacucci - MD PhD, Reader in Gastroenterology, University of Birmingham

The event will be co-chaired by Tyndall National Institute and Irish Medtech Association.

Register your place

Please register your place HERE

After your registration you will receive a booking confirmation email with details on how to join the first event in the series on 31/03/2022, which will be hosted on Remo - the interactive virtual event platform.

*The event series is funded by Connected Health Skillnet.

Upcoming dates:

No training dates available at the moment.


Digital HealthTech Webinar Series

Training Days

1 hour

Training Locations


Course Cost

*Skillnet membership is free for private sector companies based in ROI